Message The USC MHS works with sport organizations to improve mental health Resources providing greater opportunity to experience optimal mental wellness are not only directed toward athletes but also to coaches administrators and family members Thriving mental health becomes more accessible in environments in which mental health conversations are taking place and individuals are surrounded by support The visual model below represents the work of the USC MHS Athletes are surrounded by many individuals who could potentially provide needed support when they are experiencing a mental health issue The USC MHS provides training to all of these individuals so they better understand how to start the conversation and provide support when it is needed Additional pathways to professional support services are also provided and the USC MHS serves as a resource hub for anyone seeking more information about mental health and sport Read on to learn more about the 3 1 USC MHS Action Plan We could place coach family member or any other sport participant at the center of the triangle surrounded by the support of others The U S Center for Mental Health Sport develops sport environments that allow for optimum mental wellness by providing mental health training and resources opening pathways to access additional mental health support services and committing to the advancement of mental health and sport research Save lives donate today 202 Woodland Circle Pendleton SC 29670 mentalhealthandsport org admin mentalhealthandsport org 864 643 5676
Your donation makes all the difference Bring USC MHS to Your Organization Yes The USC MHS provides in person mental health training This training can be tailored to your needs Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for your organization Our 2022 schedule is filling quickly don t miss your chance USC MHS Partner 1 MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS TRAINING The USC MHS mental health awareness training is specifically focused on a sport audience It teaches signs symptoms and provides participants with knowledge of next steps if they or someone they know may be experiencing a mental health challenge You can think of this training much like that of CPR You will be able to recognize when someone needs help assist in de escalation and provide pathways for additional professional mental health support PATHWAYS TO MENTAL HEALTH SUPPORT The USC MHS aims to ensure that participants in member sport organizations are as needed able to be connected with professional mental health service providers that have experience in both mental health and sport All providers have met specific certification and licensure requirements in order to be included in the registry 3 2 RESOURCE HUB The USC MHS adds content to its website regularly to become a resource hub for mental health and sport information Keep checking back to www mentalhealthandsport org for updates EVIDENCE BASED RECOMMENDATIONS A foundational component of the USC MHS is that all information and recommendations are evidence based Our team of research fellows leads the way in mental health and sport research in the USA As a result the USC MHS is uniquely situated at the intersection of sports practice and research to work toward solutions encouraging optimal mental health in sports 1 The USC MHS is a 501c3 not for profit bringing life changing and life saving initiatives to sport organizations We assist with the prevention early intervention and continued professional support of mental health issues One athlete dying by suicide or one coach struggling through depression is one person too many Examples of how your donation helps 25 1 month of mental health content for a community sport club 100 1 group session for coaches athletes or parents 500 1 in person mental health training course 1 000 support for development of accessible virtual training Visit https mentalhealthandsport org donations usc mhs01 today to donate Margaret Domka co founder and Executive Director of the USC MHS is a researcher focusing on mental health and sport and has been a sport practitioner for over 30 years She is a soccer referee and represented the USA on the FIFA panel for 10 years during which time was selected to officiate the FIFA Women s World Cup Skye Arthur Banning PhD co founder and Director of Research Development is a researcher and sport practitioner His focus is ethics in sport Paralympic sport and mental health in sport He is the Head of Officials for the International Federation of Cerebral Palsy Football and is on the board of directors for the United States Association of Blind Athletes